Helping energy retailers

The energy customer of today cares about the provenance of their kilowatt hours. They’re not happy with simply taking the highly carbonised output at the lowest price. Which is why companies like ekWateur trust Powerledger to track the energy source.

Solar, please...

How much solar in the mix is a simple task for our software.

Customers simply select an option and that is what they receive.

Or wind..

Wind forms 34% of the offering and is another choice for ekWateurs customers.

Or whatever else...

Biomethane, hydroelectric and other sources of energy can be chosen. ekWateur customers choose their energy mix, Powerledger manages the tracking and tracing of the kilowatt hours.

The future of energy

ekWateur is a new generation of energy retailer.

Giving their customers a choice of their energy mix. Learn more about our partner here.

Filling the energy gap

While 70% of French people are in favour of subscribing to a green electricity offer, only 10.9% are able to consume electricity from sustainable sources. This is the energy gap that companies have to fill, and Powerledger is happy to help ekWateur do this.

Is it time to become a modern energy retailer?

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their energy source, and how much carbon is produced to run their households and businesses. Now is the time for energy providers and retailers to stand out from the competition with green alternatives. If you would like to jump ahead of the competition, contact us now.

Partner with us

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Contact your local Powerledger representative to find out more.