July 5, 2023

Unlocking the Potential of Peer-to-Peer Trading: Insights from a Successful Delhi Case Study

This blog discusses how Powerledger successfully ran a pilot of peer-to-peer trading while also laying the groundwork for crucial regulatory reforms in Delhi.

The global community is increasingly embracing renewable energy as a viable and sustainable solution to address the pressing issue of climate change. In the realm of renewable energy, peer-to-peer trading has emerged as a highly promising avenue for harnessing the full potential of these sustainable sources. A recent pilot project carried out in Delhi has unveiled the immense potential of peer-to-peer trading, illuminating a promising pathway for economic growth and innovation. The successful partnership between Tata Power Company, India Smart Grid Forum, and Powerledger has yielded remarkable findings, underscoring the immense potential of this cutting-edge methodology. Despite the prevailing regulatory limitations, the pilot project has unequivocally underscored the imperative for regulatory changes that would wholeheartedly embrace the concept of peer-to-peer trading in the region.

Challenge: Addressing Regulatory Constraints

The pursuit of renewable energy sources has gained significant momentum in recent years, with solar power emerging as a frontrunner in the race toward a sustainable future. However, despite its numerous benefits, the widespread adoption of solar panels faces a number of regulations. 

One of the primary obstacles encountered by the project revolved around the dearth of regulatory frameworks bolstering peer-to-peer trading in the bustling city of Delhi. The stakeholders exhibited a determination to venture into uncharted territories. 

At the moment, most households size their solar panel requirement based on the minimum demand of their household. There’s no calculation that they could upsize their solar panel installation and pay off the extra cost by gaining revenue from selling the excess, and thereafter make a profit. 

Approach: Proactive and in-depth way 

In a remarkable collaboration,Tata Power Company (TPDDL), India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) and Powerledger collaborated to run a 117 customer pilot comprising 14 prosumers, 41 consumers and 39 domestic users, all coming together in a concerted effort to explore new frontiers in the realm of energy. Notwithstanding the regulatory constraints, it is noteworthy that the Electricity Regulator in Delhi State and the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission was duly apprised of the project, with a comprehensive project report being diligently shared with them. This proactive communication was strategically designed to showcase the immense potential of peer-to-peer trading while also laying the groundwork for crucial regulatory reforms.

The outcome: 

The results of the pilot project were highly promising, as participants wholeheartedly embraced the peer-to-peer trading scheme with great enthusiasm. The prevailing sentiment among customers leans towards a straightforward fixed-price model, underscoring their disinterest in intricate technicalities or frequent fluctuations in pricing. Furthermore, the participants underscored the significance of prompt settlement. The preferences and feedback expressed by customers offer invaluable insights into the user experience, serving as a guiding force for future iterations of peer-to-peer trading projects.


The impact on the distribution network was indeed noteworthy. As power trading becomes increasingly localised, we are witnessing a commendable reduction in distribution losses. This discovery highlights the possibility of reducing capital expenditures in the distribution network. Furthermore, this study has unveiled a plethora of untapped avenues for generating revenue, presenting a promising prospect for both consumers and the power sector.

Way forward:

When examining the landscape of regulatory considerations and future prospects, it becomes evident that there are several key factors to take into account. These factors play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of industries and businesses.

The compelling Delhi case study underscores the pressing necessity for regulatory reforms in order to fully unleash the untapped potential of peer-to-peer trading. It is widely speculated that the implementation of a handful of supplementary regulatory provisions would effectively facilitate peer-to-peer trading within the region. By embracing these transformative changes, the city of Delhi has the opportunity to foster a sustainable and decentralised energy ecosystem, thereby optimising the utilisation of renewable energy sources.


The pilot project conducted in Delhi stands as a compelling testament to the immense value and untapped potential of peer-to-peer trading within the burgeoning renewable energy sector. The success of this compelling case study serves as a powerful testament to the pressing need for regulatory reforms that would facilitate the widespread embrace of peer-to-peer trading. Powerledger, as a blockchain-based platform, is well-positioned to facilitate peer-to-peer trading and provide a secure and transparent mechanism for energy trading.

If you're interested in learning more about peer-to-peer trading and how it can benefit both consumers and energy distributors, get in touch with Powerledger today. Our team is always happy to answer any questions you may have and help you find the right solution for your needs. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the energy revolution!

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