September 28, 2022

Share Your Energy 2022: How local markets & P2P energy trading benefit distribution utilities

Powerledger's Cristina Mata Yandiola recently attended Share your Energy 2022 where she discussed the Global challenges in the energy transformation path that are causing problems in the traditional grid.

Share your energy 2022 featured Innovators, transmission and distribution system operators, and other experts from the energy industry who shared their knowledge to guide actionable steps toward better energy security.

Powerledger's Cristina Mata Yandiola discussed Global challenges in the energy transformation path that are causing problems in the traditional grid. Cristina also gives an insight into the current trends in the solar PV panels & home energy storage systems domain. The conference also features a brief Q&A at the end of the session so be sure to watch the video till the end.

Watch the full conference here

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