September 11, 2019

Powerledger livestream video AMA September 2019

Powerledger livestream video AMA September 2019 with Vinod Tiwari, René Haagen and Meagan Cojocar. The AMA was guest hosted by Coincast TV.

The aim of this AMA was to give the Powerledger community an update on the company’s current projects and how POWR tokens are integrated into current projects.

Topics discussed in this AMA include:

  • The use of POWR in current projects
  • An update on Powerledger’s Roadmap and AGE
  • Powerledger’s projects
  • The United States
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Australia
  • Platform demo

If at the end of this session you still have some unanswered questions, please join the Official Powerledger Telegram account.

There are also international communities in Korea, China, Thailand, Japan and the Philippines.

Watch Powerledger's September AMA

PanelHead of Business Development and Sales Vinod TiwariProduct and Development Manager Meagan CojocarProject Manager René HaagenModerated by Coincast TV host Tessa Dempster

Watch Powerledger's platform demo

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