May 20, 2024

CEBA Connect Spring Summit 2024

Is our current level of innovation enough to tackle the existing challenges in the renewable energy certificate (REC) market? Join us in conversation at CEBA Connect - Spring Summit 2024.

Our TraceX team will be attending the CEBA Connect: 2024 Spring Summit this month from May 22 - 24 in Denver, Colorado.

We will also be hosting a Conversation Table at the summit on Wednesday, May 22 from 3:45 - 5:15 PM.

Title: It's time for the traditional RECs market to embrace innovation, bringing efficiency and transparency to the forefront of REC trading.

Host: Fiona Tiller, CEO, TraceX
Theme: According to S&P Global’s projection, US voluntary renewable energy certificates are expected to grow steadily at a 15.9% annual rate from 2024 to 2033. Despite the massive projected growth in market size, pressing question looms:

  • Is our current level of innovation sufficient to tackle the existing challenges in the RECs market?
  • Do RE buyers have access to REC markets to be able to buy RECs that meet their ESG needs and budgetary constraints?
  • How could we improve voluntary markets to address issues with transparency, access and the inefficiencies created through manual procurement processes.

Join us in conversation around the role of innovation and emerging technology in bringing much needed transaprency and efficiency in REC market.

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